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About us

  四川琳度瓷业有限公司是一家专业生产中酒店瓷、礼品瓷、陶瓷酒瓶的日用陶瓷企业。公司成立于2010年,位于改革开放总设计师的家乡四川省广安市,有着独特的地域、交通的优势,占地43亩,总投资5000万元以上。 琳度瓷业自成立以来,本着“创产品,生产高品质瓷”的生产理念和市场定位,凭借先进的技术设备、专业的技术人才和丰富的资源环境等优势,为企业的发展奠定了坚实的基础。相信“琳度瓷”将会迅速成为中国陶瓷界的一股新兴力量,成为中国陶瓷界的黑马品牌。 “琳度瓷”具有“健康、放心、品质”的特点。酒瓶绝不渗漏,采用无铅、镉釉配方,做到真正环保安全。“琳度瓷”瓷面色泽白中带柔,像玉一般晶莹剔透,既有骨质瓷的光亮与柔和,又有硬质瓷的强度与硬度,克服了传统硬质瓷、炻瓷沉闷笨重的拙感,同时又解决了软质瓷极易破损的缺点,是两者的结合。 我们以“质量占领市场,诚信服务用户”的经营方针,遵循“以人为本、精益求精”的原则,以优质的产品和完善的售后服务来真诚与各界朋友开展广泛的合作,共同创造一个美好的未来!Sichuan Lindu ceramics co., LTD. is a professional manufacturer of high-grade porcelain tablewares and winebottles, like hotel wares, mugs, tea sets, etc. "Lindu ceramics" has the characteristics of "health, rest assured, quality". The winebottle will never leak, using the lead-free, cadmium-free and glaze formula to ensure the products are environmental protection and safety. As white as jade, the porcelain surface color is both clear and hardness, ing thel heavy feeling of traditional porcelain, and solving the disadvantage of easily broken. With the management policy of "quality upy market, good faith service customers" , the principle of "pioneering and innovative, keep improving", the high-quality products and the perfect after-sales service, we sincerely cooperation with friends from all over the world , and together create a better future!